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Remember me...

It was no accident you came across. We might not know yet it but it has been planned for something important. It's a great feeling to know that you can be an impact on a total stranger's life. by Lazy Blogger

Getting over you...

it's only been few days but im missing you more day by day. I'm not sure what I should do. I still long for you but at times i feel like maybe it's better that we are seperated. I do wonder though, if you miss me like i miss you, sometimes have an impulse to call me like i want to call you, or keep thinking back about our memories together. but i guess those things don't really matter anymore. i wish you would just call me and everything will be back to normal.


i think i seriously have an addiction.. i have a shopping addtion! well it's not like i spen more than i hve, or spend too much on oneyday. Grandted, i occasionally tend to purchase items that i do not need but i don't spend moeny like crazy. well, the reason why i think i have a shopping addiction is that when im home, im always on the computer searching for good deals on things that im interested in; mostly clothes, makeup, and entertainment. I love saving money and it gets me high when i save so much by using coupons and sales.
i guess it's not bad when i only buy things that i really need but i tend to buy things that i do not even need/want but just to see how much money i can save. i waste time searching for good deals that i wont even use 80% of the time. i waste so much time and since time=money im really not even saving that much. ughh i need help! T.T


Im not sure if im going on the right road. Am i making the right choice? what if i fail? what if im wrong? how would i know if i made the right/wrong choice? if i come back after the failure would it still be the same as before? would i be given another chance?
im under a lot of pressure. i must succeed and right now is the chance that i must take no matter what it takes. i must give my fullest to make my dream come true. i must push myself harder. i wouldn't want to regret later for anything that i didn't do.
i just wish i knew if what am doing is the best for me.

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