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Remember me...

It was no accident you came across. We might not know yet it but it has been planned for something important. It's a great feeling to know that you can be an impact on a total stranger's life. by Lazy Blogger

유입 키워드

These are the search key words that were searched for my blogs and they are so weird. Most of them are sex-related words and I freaked out when I saw some of them. I can't believe that people search for these things online. I'm not going to list them because it's so wrong and gross. But here are the top 4 searched key words:

1. 룸싸롱출신 연예인

2.  호스트바출신연예인

3.  카페랭킹보는법

4. 화장을한남자들의사진

I can't seem to figure out how some of these totally unrelated search words lead to my blog but hey, it's what's making my blog famous! I had 173 people visiting my blog one day and that's no lie! I hope for those perverts that when they accidentally come across my page that they learn something more valuable out of it.


love love <33333

did i tell u how much i trust you and love you? *^^*


A dark cloud called "doubts" starts to form...

(I dont have korean font on my computers back at home so im going to have to write in English for a while ^^;;)

Finally Im back home after 7 1/2 months of experiencing a whole new world. After all that I've experienced all I can think of now is how I miss you so much. Every other second of my life consists of thinking about you. I hope Im doing well so far. Im not sure if it's supposed to be like this to be faithful and if I've made the right choice to do this. 
I think you are wonderful but there is just one thing.. it's the thing im afraid that's going to be the reason of the end.
You don't appreciate the things that I do until I become sick of not being appreciated and start acting like I don't care you. When that happens suddenly you are aware that I am your faithful lover and suddenly you treat me like a queen. Perhaps you are a masochist. I know that you've been hurt before and that could explain why you could only realize your happiness only after cruel pain but...   
i just can't do this. I don't want to hurt you on purpose to make you realize that you need to put more effort into our relationship. Isn't it enough to know that I am giving you my 100 percent and that I couldn't be more faithful to you?

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